Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Plymouth to some where

New Plymouth to some where 72km

After packing up my gear and dropping the camping ground key’s back in I head back into the city center along the coast path way to get some food for the day ride. As I am working my way out of town along the busy roads (next time I bike though? new plymouth I will just take the coast path way to bell block as it’s a much nicer ride) a few km out of the city center I notice that my trailer has a flat tire. Stoping to fix it I see that I have wore out the tire as I can see the casing showing though in a few places so it’s time to get a new trailer tire in the next big town I go thought (Te Kuiti) as I don’t have the money to get a new tire in new plymouth. After fixing the flat I keep riding until I get just past the town Waitara where is an info center on the gas? plant with some good info and a large modly? of the plant?. Having some food and giving my mum  a call to say where I am I head back on the road with a short stop at Urenui for some food for the next 2 days as I don’t know where the next shops are along the way. There is a good climb up MT Messenger (150m in 3 km with some tight conners at the top there is a rest area with a look out over the bush. on the down hill near the top is a 2 lane tunnel cut into the rock and some road works fixing up part of the road that had slip away. The rest of the down hill ride was fast and fun (having to slow down for a few of the bends on the way down) the road rolling over a few small hill until I get to the town of Tongaporutu where I ask some people if they know some that I can put up my tent up for the night after a bit of a chat I head down to the place where there said to camp and set up camp for the night having a chat to some people that are out for a walk. I see the trailer tire has gone flat aging -some thing to fix in the morning. Doing some reading before going to sleep for the night

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