Saturday, June 6, 2015

A updated on what's going on in my life

Hi all

This is a very hard post for me to type up - I had a choice of closing down my Facebook pages and blog and starting new or keep the same Facebook pages and blog and let people know what's going on in my life  and hope for the best

As some of you know I have been making some changes  in my life - this is a note to say a little more about some of the changes in my life.

 I am in the process of  changing my gender ( and my name ) that is to say I’m transgender and will be starting to identify and live full time as female (and would prefer the use of female pronouns)  

My new name is Damiana Day

Many of you will have questions about what I’m doing - (its also all right  if you don't want to ask me any questions : )
Im happy to answer any questions you may have about the changes that im making in my life - this is best done by pm (on Facebook ) or email or by face to face  - thought I will not put up with any hate mail - this is my life so my rules on how I live it

I have a new Facebook page (under Damiana Day ) my old Facebook page damian day will be going inactive after I have moved things over (what I have just about done) I will still have the same email address and cell phone number also my photo website will be staying the same

 I'm letting people know so they don't think I disappeared off the face of the earth - and so people can start to know the new me - some will still be my friends others will no longer want to be but that's up to them I understand that it may be hard for some to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing  -

This is some thing I have spent much time thinking about though I have had to hide it from many  ie this is not a short term thing ( over many months and years of doing homework and leaning things )

this is the real me no longer trying to hide behind a mask -  some time ago I had two choices -to kill myself by jumping off a bridge on the night of my birthday or to make big changes in my life to fully live life by being who I am - this is one of the changes that I have done - I have only been living as damiana full time for around a month now so it is still early days - what I will say is my depression and meltdowns are now 98% gone and I am a lot more happy in life now

Here is a link to an american website with a FAQ page on transgender info what you may wish to have a read of

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