doc camp to doc camp by port under wood road 35 km
a short day in km but a long day in hills - after packing up camp I start riding up the first hill of the day with the road tar seal to the next bay then the road is gravel (hard back dirt with lot of wash board +a very bumpy ride with some parts of the road muddy from the rain a few day ago so the wheel slid road a bit as i ride up the hills)the road climbs up then drops into the next only to climb back up and over. some where along the way one of my drink bottlers is lost (would of came out its cage with all the bumps) In a few of the bay there is a bit of tar seal for about a km of two then its back to gravel . riding into the last bay the tar seal starts and keeps going. the climb out of the bay is a long hot one as it climbs up to a saddle? high over the bays finally getting to the top i get some photos before heading down the other side (a steep 5 km down with lots of tight bends) at the botten back at sea level theres a doc camp where i set up camp and dry out some of my gear and cook some food before getting into my tent to keep out the sand fly s.
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