Wednesday, July 17, 2013

16/07/2013 Wood hill sands to kaiwaka. 85 km

16/07/2013 Wood hill sands  to kaiwaka.  85 km

After being up from around 3:30 am I start packing up around 6:30 am and get on the road at 8 am after doing a few last min things on the bike

The road is mosty flat for the first 18 km  - cold hands for the first 40 mins or so with only the odd small hill before the start of the larger hills for the day starting with a 200m climb up to a look out before the road drops back down to sea level then there's a few short and steep hills to roll over before the next lager hill to slowly work my way up - nice to see it in day light as last time I did this hill I was going south and got to the top just on sunset 

Onice I get back down to sea level?theres just more climb to go before wellsford Where I stop at the new liblay? For a look around before getting some food and water and leaving town this time I'm riding on S.H.1 - it's not the best road to ride on being busy and some what hilly but there is not any other roads to ride on to head north ( might look at the maps to see if I can find a better road as I head south ?)

Just on dark I get into the town of kaiwaka where after asking around for a bit I head to the sports grounds and set up camp the for the night spending some time chating some people from a sport team that was doing some training under lights - got talking about injurys in sport ( like head injurys in the sport they was training for as well as injurys from just not being fitter )

After the end of training I head to my tent to bed for the night 

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