Monday, September 3, 2012

some where to woodhill sands 55 km

some where to woodhill sands 55 km

very wet as I pack up my gear the bottom of the tent feels like being on a water bed -heaver rain with paddock’s under water in places - after a few hours the rain mostly stops along with the wind . after a few warm up hills I start the climb up the larger hill of the day - a short stop at the top to cheek the phone (also to give some one a call )and look at the vile? before getting up some good speed on the down hill then its mostly flat until helensville - a few km before the town the bike comes to a stop- the top of the T-bar pice on the trailer had come lose aging (some time I will need to replace it) as im on the side of the road playing with the T-bar some one in a van stops to give me a hand after fixing up the trailer I get back on the road heading towards helensville riding until i get in to town 

where after I get some photos of an old steam train I head for the library for a bit before getting some food. as im siting in the cafe I turn my phone on( I have my phone set on airport mode most of the time so the batters last longer as well as then i can just pick a time to deal with Facebook and email also if some one wants to get hold of me -suff like that) theres an txt saying to call 707 or some thing like that - ok who would leave a message on my phone I wonder? (not many people seem to call me or leave a message on the phone- most just send me a email or an txt )

 well It turns out to be tanya from  the tv show Attitude asking me to give her a call - its a tv show that has story’s on people with disabilities ( (I think thats the Name of the tv show - as I don't see much tv I can never seem to remember the names of suff on tv : ) so I give her a call - It turns out that I have been chosing as one of the  finalists in the 2012 attitude awards (one of the 3 finalists in the courage in sport category) - a few week ago one of my friends had told me I should full in a nominate form for the awards so after looking on line I did it and had just about forgetting about it  so it came as a big suprize to me to find out that I had been choosing as one of the finalists so it looks like November is going to be a busy month with maybe a fun ride near palmerston north in the first week then its up to taupo for the big 1280 km fun ride (yep I call a 1280 km 3-5 day bike ride a nice fun ride on the bike : ) then the week after taupo ride up to auckland for the 2012 Attitude awards (see more info on the awards) after getting off the phone to tanya I head down the road to woodhill sands to spend the night a friends place

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